Timro Naau Ko Sindur

A very melodious sad song 'Timro Naau Ko Sindur Laune Dhoko Mareko Chha' is on Youtube now. Manoranjan Sansar has uploaded the studio version music video on its Youtube channel. On Narayan Gautam's lyrics Rajshukra Limbu has composed the music. Versatile singer Anju Panta's vocal is perfect match and melodic. The song is from album 'SHRURIMA', to be honest I don't know the meaning of this. Anyway, the lyrics is about sad love and associated wishes.
#Video on Youtube
Modern flavor melodic song 'Timro Naau Ko Sinder' is liked by many viewers and there are loads of comment as well on Youtube. Somewhere the song sounds like Gazal but its slow melody is definitely a modern touch. I bet you will love this song at first play. We will soon add this music to our Soundcloud playlist so you can grab your copy from there. We will notify you through our Facebook page once it's ready. For now, watch and enjoy. Love Nepali music. Do not leave without comment. We love to hear from you as usual.
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