Chhutyo Bhane Runu Parla Nadeu Bho Dherai Maya

Santosh KC's new music album 'SAMUNDRA' is released online. The album consists of new Nepali song 'Chuutyo Bhane Runu Parla Nadeu Bho Dherai Maya' on Anju Panta's vocal. Santosh KC composed both lyrics and music himself. A classical flavor song's video has also been published to Music Nepal's Youtube channel that was provided by SS Digital. It's been over one week since released and already have collected over 51 thousand views. The music video is directed by Kumar KC with actors Bikram Budhatholi and Sandhya Bohora. Both actors have tried to do their best and have lots of rooms to make it better, good luck for both of them for their next project. Some of the background scene on the video seems to be added effects. Lyrics and music are average and singer Anju Panta's effort is laudable.
We hope our visitors will like to play at least once and love to listen. Please leave your feedback and comments. Enjoy watching :)
#Video on Youtube

Actors Bikram Budhatholi and Sandhya Bohora
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