Interview with Ramesh BG - Popular Nepali Folk Music Lyricist

The dozens of folk songs of the famous songwriter Ramesh BG are super hit in the Nepali music industry. Many super-hit songs have been performed in Nepali folk music areas, including dozens of folk songs like 'सररर पानी घट्टमा', 'बचनको घाउँ' and Nepali movie songs as well.
The song 'भन्थ्यौ आमा नेपालमा दु:ख छ' in the movie 'PARDESHI' was widely loved and popular. Songwriter Ramesh BG, who iss unmarried till now, talked about his biography, musical field and many other topic in this interview. Watch until the end, rate and comment.
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#Video via Kendrabindu TV Youtube channel (current views:2,697)
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